0. Join GreenSeed
Invest in our recently opened solar garden project based in Portland, Oregon! You can read more about the project here, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter as well.
1. Get Political
Urge local, state, and federal governments to take bold, ambitious climate action now via your vote, climate strikes, and community organizing.
2. Download Ecosia
This is the second most passive, yet effective, way to reduce CO2 in the environment. Ecosia is a search engine similar to Google or Bing but every 45 searches that are made, 1 tree is planted. It is is pretty fast and 80% of their revenue goes to planting trees and regenerative agriculture. So far, Ecosia has planted over 100,000,000 trees worldwide!!
3. Find More Alternatives to Using Your Personal Car (Post-Covid)
This is the most effective method to reduce your personal emissions. According to the Department of Transportation, car transportation accounts for just under half of the typical American family’s carbon emissions.
4. Reduce your meat consumption
This is the second most effective method to reduce your personal emissions. Red meat from cows and other cattle is the most carbon intensive food to produce. Ideally, you take gradual steps to change your diet and allow flexibility, which allows you to retain progress. For example, start of only eating red meat once a week, or on special occasions (birthdays, celebration, or traveling). The more of us that decrease our red meat consumption, the more agricultural emissions together we can reduce.
5. Shop Local to prevent transportation emissions.
Think about where the food you eat comes from. How much of it comes from a factory farm 2 states away? Think about all the emissions that are produced transporting that food from the farm to your typical grocery store. All of the trucks and trains required to ship food to your grocery store add up to a large amount of emissions. The best way to offset these emissions is to ensure you are buying products from local producers. Whether you buy your produce at a farmers market, join a farm share, or simply look at the items you are purchasing to see where they are produced, shopping local is one of the best ways to help your community thrive and reduce emissions. If you want to double down on obtaining locally grown food, start a garden in your backyard. There is no place more local to you than your own home.
Additionally try to minimize the purchases you make online, and continue using your local shops. Each package you receive creates additional pollution via packaging and transportation.
6. Purchase electricity from your utility’s green power plan.
Many utilities offer separate green power plans that allow their customers to purchase electricity produced from green resources instead of the standard electric grid. These programs require utilities to procure more green power, meaning that there is an increased incentive for new green facilities to be built, decreasing emissions in one of the most carbon intensive industries.
Thanks For Reading!